North American Horsemeat from Torturous Production

Tierschutzbund Zürich (TSB), Animal Welfare Foundation (AWF) and Animals’ Angels USA have been reporting about the torturous production of horsemeat in North America since 2012. New investigations from winter 2019 show that the cruel conditions remain unchanged, at US auctions and in Canadian feedlots, as well as during transport and at the Bouvry slaughterhouse in Alberta. Despite the promises of the European importers, who are represented by the associations FEBEV (Belgium) and VPI (Switzerland). No improvements are visible regarding any of the animal welfare concerns previously detected. Injured, sick and weak horses still do not receive veterinary care, and suffering horses are left to die without assistance. Even foals are still not provided protection from snow and cold, and new-born foals freeze to death.
Since March 2017, horses imported to Canada from the USA remain in Bouvry’s feedlots for at least six months prior to slaughter, if the horsemeat is destined for the EU market. TSB, AWF, Animals’ Angels USA, CHDC, Dier&Recht, GAIA, Italian Horse Protection, Welfarm and Eurogroup for Animals call upon the EU Commission to suspend horsemeat imports from Canada into the European Union, since the country cannot guarantee compliance with the applicable EU requirements regarding animal welfare.

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