Sperimentazione animale

University Animal Lab Investigation; Narrated by Kim Basinger

University Animal Lab Investigation; Narrated by Kim Basinger

The Humane Society of the United States undercover investigation at Georgia Regents University revealed the tragic fate of dogs sold by random source Class B dealers into research. These dealers have a long-standing history of poor conditions and illegal activity, taking up significant USDA enforcement resources. Please join Kim Basinger and take action to ensure […]
Sheep Suffering: BUAV undercover investigation at Cambridge University

Sheep Suffering: BUAV undercover investigation at Cambridge University

A BUAV undercover investigation at the University of Cambridge reveals the use of sheep for research. The sheep were being used for research into neurological disorders. They suffered greatly, in particular experiencing eyesight loss and disorientation and were subjected to surgery to have implants inserted into their brains. Find out more about this investigation here:
TIERVERSUCHE IN TÜBINGEN – Grundlagenforschung: Grundlegend falsch // SOKO TIERSCHUTZ e.V.

TIERVERSUCHE IN TÜBINGEN – Grundlagenforschung: Grundlegend falsch // SOKO TIERSCHUTZ e.V.

Während das Bundesverwaltungsgericht Versuchen an Affen grünes Licht gibt und die Tierversuchsindustrie von den Grausamkeiten der Versuche abzulenken versucht, gehen wir dort hin, wo die Tiere leiden und zeigen, was wirklich geschieht: 6,5 Monate undercover in einem der berüchtigsten Versuchslabore Deutschlands: dem Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) in Tübingen. Wir zeigen Ihnen was Bewertungskataloge und Forscher verschweigen und […]
A Living Nightmare

A Living Nightmare

A joint BUAV and Soko Tierschutz undercover investigation at a leading research institute in the European Union has revealed the shocking and disturbing use of monkeys in research. The investigation carried out in Germany uncovered the brutal way in which the lives of monkeys were controlled and manipulated in cruel experiments. The monkeys were subjected […]
Was mit Affen aus Mauritius im Tierversuchslabor passiert… // SOKO TIERSCHUTZ e.V.

Was mit Affen aus Mauritius im Tierversuchslabor passiert… // SOKO TIERSCHUTZ e.V.

Während das Bundesverwaltungsgericht Versuchen an Affen grünes Licht gibt und die Tierversuchsindustrie von den Grausamkeiten der Versuche abzulenken versucht, gehen wir dort hin, wo die Tiere leiden und zeigen, was wirklich geschieht: 6,5 Monate undercover in einem der berüchtigsten Versuchslabore Deutschlands: dem Max-Planck-Institut (MPI) in Tübingen. Wir zeigen Ihnen was Bewertungskataloge und Forscher verschweigen und […]
One Voice – Enquête dans un laboratoire : la fièvre des lapins

One Voice – Enquête dans un laboratoire : la fièvre des lapins

Au cours de son enquête dans un laboratoire utilisant des animaux, One Voice a filmé des lapins maintenus dans des boîtes de contention. Un produit leur est injecté dans les oreilles et la fièvre ainsi déclenchée est mesurée. Ils subissent plusieurs tests et leurs veines sont en si mauvais état qu’ils hurlent de douleur lorsqu’ils […]
Behind the Locked Doors of Dog Laboratories in the U.S. and France

Behind the Locked Doors of Dog Laboratories in the U.S. and France

Video footage from laboratories in the U.S. and France reveals the suffering of dogs who are deliberately bred to develop crippling muscle diseases. See PETA’s Web feature for more details: PETA’s mission statement is that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, use for entertainment, or abuse in any other way: […]
LCA Exposes Cruel Neglect of Macaque Monkeys at ITR Laboratories

LCA Exposes Cruel Neglect of Macaque Monkeys at ITR Laboratories

Newly released footage from LCA’s 2016 undercover investigation at ITR Laboratories Canada shows horrifying evidence of neglect. While cleaning the cages of macaque monkeys at ITR, LCA’s investigator discovered four monkeys begging for water. One of the monkeys grabbed the hose held by LCA’s investigator and motioned it towards her mouth indicating her need for […]

Cruel Experiments on Dogs in France

A Life of Suffering: Experiments on Dogs financed by the Telethon Animal Testing and Peta publish revelations about a French lab that performs cruel experiments on dogs, funded by the Telethon. Animal Testing denounces, in addition to cruelty, the taboo of experiments on dogs, aspect of research that is hidden by the AFM-Telethon. It is […]
Macachi rinchiusi in un Laboratorio Universitario – Essere Animali

Macachi rinchiusi in un Laboratorio Universitario – Essere Animali

Marta, Charlie e altri macachi sono chiusi nelle gabbie di uno stabulario presso un’importante università italiana. La loro triste vita è stata documentata con telecamere nascoste. Più informazioni su: Vivono per anni in piccole e spoglie gabbie metalliche. Inseriti nel cranio o nelle tempie hanno degli elettrodi, necessari per gli esperimenti di neuroscienze a […]
Das Todeslabor vor Hamburg: LPT // SOKO Tierschutz e.V.

Das Todeslabor vor Hamburg: LPT // SOKO Tierschutz e.V.

Undercover in Deutschlands geheimsten, privaten Tierversuchslabor Erschütternde Beweise: Rechtsbrüche, Gewalt gegen Tiere und sterbende, blutende Hunde EU-Vertragsverletzungsverfahren gegen Deutschlands Tierversuche Das LPT in Mienenbüttel nahe Hamburg macht Giftigkeitsversuche an Hunden, Katzen, Affen und Kaninchen für Auftraggeber aus Deutschland und weltweit. Das Labor agiert völlig abgeschottet. Einblicke, selbst durch die Politik, waren unerwünscht. Eine Undercover-Recherche von […]

Germany: Distressing footage shows degrading treatment of monkeys, dogs at lab *GRAPHIC*

Mandatory Credit: SOKO Tierschutz/Cruelty Free International Footage showing monkeys and dogs being subjected to disturbing treatment allegedly at a laboratory near Hamburg, was released by two activist groups earlier in October. Monkeys are seen strapped in metal harnesses and kept in cramped containers while cats and dogs are left in degrading conditions after alleged toxicity […]
Investigator bonds with monkeys in lab

Investigator bonds with monkeys in lab

Our undercover investigator was employed at Inotiv, an animal testing laboratory in Indiana, from August 2021 to March 2022. While there, she developed a unique relationship with two very playful primates, Ziggy and Chloe. See their endearing and heartbreaking story. And help us put an end to cruel animal testing methods. You can help animals […]
Last Chance for Animals – The Life of a Dog at ITR Labs [792JMoVtQck – 1280×720 – 0m38s]

The Life of a Dog at ITR Labs

Footage from LCA’s 2016 undercover investigation which reveals the life of beagles at ITR Laboratories. This footage shows how beagles are housed improperly, abused, and thrown away when their “usefulness” expires. From the moment dogs arrive at ITR, they enter a life of unbearable cruelty and are treated as nothing more than a research tool. […]
Toxicity testing on animals at Vivotecnia, Spain

Toxicity testing on animals at Vivotecnia, Spain

WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES Únete a nosotros para exigir a la Comunidad de Madrid que retire inmediatamente la autorización de Vivotecnia para realizar experimentos con animales, ¡y que cierre la instalación ahora! Video: Cruelty Free International
Unlawful dog and monkey suffering uncovered at Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT)

Unlawful dog and monkey suffering uncovered at Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT)

WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES Cruelty Free International investigation with SOKO Tierschutz at the Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology (LPT) in Germany has shed light on the horrors animals face behind closed laboratory doors. Graphic footage of dogs left bleeding and dying, and monkeys being routinely abused, has lifted the lid of secrecy on regulatory safety testing. […]