Horse Meat from torturous production – Report by TSB Zürich and AWF Germany

Horsemeat originating from tortuous production for Aldi, AVEC, Denner, Migros and Spar
the Tierschutzbund Zürich (TSB) published the conditions of horsemeat production in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Argentina. Now the TSB goes further by publishing the 2014 control report. “We have again investigated at the forefront of horsemeat production; at auctions, transports, collecting stations, fattening units, border crossings and slaughterhouses. The findings remain unacceptable”, as stated by York Ditfurth, President of the TSB Zürich. “The horses are still tortured systematically, neglected and not adequately provided for.” Avec, Migros and Spar obtain their horsemeat exclusively from Canada. Aldi and Denner slaughter Horses on contract in Canada and Uruguay.

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